So here it is: my first post in a new blog.
I call it "Rice and Beans" because a) it's a food blog, and b) rice and beans are a staple for me. I strive to someday open up a little cafe in the big city to serve rice and beans to people without any food...
The purpose of this blog is to document my adventures in cooking. And eating. As a bit of an experimenter, not all of my stuff turns out the way... ah... I anticipate, but I plan on posting the more grisly details as a reminder that yes, some of my food really is quite awful. Hopefully there will be an abundance of goodness to make up for it. Of course there will.
I shall also be posting pictures, when they are available. What I wouldn't give for a Canon 30D.
For now, enjoy my blog! I welcome comments and critique.
Re the carrot cookies: You're giving me picture book ideas, you are! And the squash recipe looks wonderful, which is quite a great comment from a person who, as a child and teen, hated every squash on the map (except maybe zucchini, as long as it had simmered long-time in tomato juice, alongside stewed tomatoes, onion, and lots of bacon).
Who's your photographer? Great good shots!
I'm bookmarking This blog. :-)
MaryWh in Kirkland (not very anonymistic)
Hi Mary!
I would love to see a picture book featuring those cookies. I shall have to take more pictures of my baking mistakes...
I took all of the pictures except the large one of me holding the cookie. Thanks! Food is just so photogenic. Even when it resembles a protein spill.
Hope to get more comments from you in the future :)
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